Sunday, October 5, 2008

Insanity due to over advertising.

Wow, this week is blowing by, mostly due to my 3rd shift efforts at keeping the site pretty.
(firefox and IE don't like all the same things I guess)

Beat Buffet has placed some advertisements for GAJT on a few places, but they are going the cheap route on some of it.
For starters, they only placed ads with the DialUp section of Bell Canada instead of the Broadband side.
GAJT is pretty 56k friendly, but I want to tap into the Broadband Canadians, too.
Now they DID get AOL Broadband, but I don't know who really uses AOL much, but it might be more than I think it is, hopefully anways.
Comcast Spotlight is good, but its very LOCAL, and the UP of Michigan/Lower Canada area is small.

Traffic on the site HAS been steadily increasing, so maybe the advertising is working.
I wouldn't know, I'm not good with numbers and stuff, I barely keep up with the HTML these guys want done.
So many bells and whistles, I hope it all gets used. :/

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chozo Ninpo starts blogging.


Since I transferred ownership of GAJT directly to Beat Buffet Records I thought it would be cool to blog about the ups and downs of working directly with the business aspect of the whole internet and recording industry.

So far, site redesign didn't kill my original code all that much, but the temporary banner kinda sucks, but I've been told by the art department that they just wanted to remove my old Gamers Against Jack Thompson banner.
Something about the dead bodies and hookers and mayhem going against the image they wanted to show as "Your leaders in Technology and Information".

Oh well, comes with the turf I guess. :) I'm just happy about all the money and hits they've been bringing in with them and thier affiliates.